Integration trip to Olandia

On 23 September, the long-awaited integration trip to Olandia took place for all Macrix Employees. On Friday afternoon, everybody met in front of the Poznań office to go together by bus to the Olandia – the ground of an old manor farm situated by Lake Kuchenne, 72 km from Poznań. The employees from the German […]
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Kayak Trip in Nature

On a July morning, in the port of Radzewice, 33 kilometers from Poznań, Macrix employees met to travel together to the starting point of a Kayak trip – Śrem. Collectively with their families and partners, at around 10 a.m. they set off on a 3-hour trip along the Warta River to have lunch together around […]
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Get the most out of LINQ

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is a powerful tool that allows developers to harness the power of functional programming in C#. However, when used incorrectly, in can result in queries that are needlessly slow and inefficient. To leverage the full potential of LINQ, it is important to keep a few rules in mind. In this article, we […]
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Macrix Office Lunch

Already in April, the first-ever Macrix Office Lunch was taking place at Macrix DE in Mönchengladbach. The event will be repeated periodically at MXDE and MXPL offices, always in correlation with the monthly Board meeting …  The second Macrix Office Lunch meeting took place recently in the Poznań Office. The purpose of the meeting is […]
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Bonfire in Poznań

On 5 May, a company bonfire was held at Scout Camp in Poznań, during which Macrix employees and their families had the opportunity to spend time together in the beautiful scenery of the resort grounds.
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A first look at .NET MAUI

Microsoft recently released its new, highly anticipated cross-platform application building tool .NET MAUI. Does the new tool have what it takes to be a proper successor to Xamarin? And what benefits and new features does it bring to the table for cross-platform developers? Our colleague Piotr Pietrzak had a first look to find out if […]
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