Implementing the Cached Repository Pattern in C#

  Introduction to the concept A cached repository is a design pattern to enhance application performance by storing data in a fast-access memory area known as a cache. This reduces the number of database accesses, thereby improving response times and the application’s scalability. A repository abstracts data access and provides uniform interfaces for CRUD operations […]
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Artificial Intelligence with ML.NET for text classifications

Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been gaining popularity at breakneck speed.  OpenAI’s ChatGPT was a breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence, and the enthusiasm was huge. ChatGPT triggered a trend towards AI applications that many companies followed. You read and hear about AI everywhere. Videos and images of celebrities performing strange dance moves appear, or you hear interviews and […]
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IT infrastructure defense in depth part 4

Before getting to the last part of our series of cybersecurity I encourage You to discover previous one: part 1 part 2 part 3 In this concluding article, we cover the following crucial points: 💡 Application Security & 💡 Data Security. Application Security Application security is a very extensive topic; a whole book could be […]
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IT infrastructure defense in depth part 3

 In this previous two articles about IT infrastructure in depth: part 1 part 2 we talked about IT infrastructure security concerning physical security and network perimeter security. This time we are going to peel another layer of our cybersecurity onion and talk about internal network and host security. Internal Network Security   Internal network security […]
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Basics of Clean Architecture with C#

  Introduction to Clean Architecture   What is Clean Architecture?   Clean Architecture, proposed by Robert C. Martin or “Uncle Bob,” is an architectural pattern for software projects aimed at keeping the code clean, modular, and independent of external influences. It isolates the business logic of the application from external details such as user interfaces, […]
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Emotional Intelligence: Connecting with others – Part 3

  Welcome back to our discussion about Emotional Intelligence. What started as a single article idea has now expanded into a three-part series, and yet, it feels like we’ve only scratched the surface.   In our previous conversation, “Emotional Intelligence: The Inner Work – Part 2,” we looked at the internal components of EI: self-awareness, self-regulation, […]
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Emotional Intelligence: The Inner Work – Part 2

  Remember our journey into the realm of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in “Emotional Intelligence: Navigating Emotions – Part 1”?   We discovered how emotions, once overlooked, have evolved into essential forces shaping both our personal and professional lives. We explored Goleman’s EQ theory and identified five important parts of EI: self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation, empathy, and social […]
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IT infrastructure defense in depth part 2.

 In the previous article, we discussed IT infrastructure security in the outer layers of our security onion: policies, procedures and awareness. This time we are going to go deeper and talk about the next layers which are: physical and network perimeter security. Physical Security   Physical security is a critical aspect of defending your digital […]
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