Implementing the Cached Repository Pattern in C#


Introduction to the concept

A cached repository is a design pattern to enhance application performance by storing data in a fast-access memory area known as a cache. This reduces the number of database accesses, thereby improving response times and the application’s scalability. A repository abstracts data access and provides uniform interfaces for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). Combining these concepts offers a powerful method for optimizing data access patterns in modern applications.

Importance & Benefits

For advanced developers, cached repositories offer several advantages:

  • Performance Improvement: Reducing database access significantly enhances response times.
  • Scalability: A lower database load facilitates better application scalability.
  • Cost Reduction: Fewer database queries translate to lower costs, especially with cloud services billed per query.
  • Consistency and Abstraction: A uniform repository ensures consistent data access and allows easy abstraction and testing.

Using the Decorator Pattern and EF Core

Implementing a cached repository can be effectively achieved through the decorator pattern. This pattern allows additional functionality to be added to an object without altering its structure.

Define the Repository Interface

Implement the Base Repository with EF Core

Implement the Cached Repository

Best Practices and Potential Pitfalls

Best Practices:

  • Cache Invalidation: Ensure the cache is invalidated after write operations (Add, Update, Delete) to maintain consistency.
  • Cache Duration: Choose an appropriate cache duration to balance freshness and performance.
  • Memory Management: Avoid overloading the cache, especially in memory-intensive applications.

 Potential Pitfalls:

  • Stale Data: Cached data can become outdated, leading to inconsistencies.
  • Complexity: Implementing and managing cached repositories increases codebase complexity.
  • Memory Consumption: Excessive caching can lead to high memory usage and potential out-of-memory issues.

Comparison with Other Caching Strategies and Their Applications


In addition to the decorator pattern for cached repositories, there are several other caching strategies:

  • In-Memory Caching: Direct use of in-memory data stores like `IMemoryCache` or `ConcurrentDictionary`. Ideal for short-term, small data sets.
  • Distributed Caching: Use of distributed caches like Redis or Memcached. Suitable for applications with high scalability requirements.
  • HTTP Caching: Use of HTTP headers to cache web resources. Ideal for high-traffic web applications.

Each strategy has specific use cases and challenges that must be carefully evaluated.

Advanced Topics: Cache Invalidation and Synchronization Between Cache and Database

Cache invalidation and synchronization are complex topics that require special attention:

Cache Invalidation:

Time-to-Live (TTL): Set a TTL for cache entries to ensure automatic invalidation.

Event-Based Invalidation: Use events or message queues to synchronize cache invalidations in distributed systems.

Synchronization Between Cache and Database:

  • Write-Through Caching: Write operations are performed on both the database and the cache, ensuring consistency.
  • Write-Behind Caching: Write operations are initially performed on the cache and later synchronized with the database. This can improve performance but carries the risk of data inconsistency in a crash.
  • Cache Priming: Preload frequently accessed data into the cache at application startup to avoid initial latencies.

A comprehensive understanding and correct implementation these techniques are crucial for successfully leveraging cached repositories in demanding applications.

In summary, combined with the decorator pattern and Entity Framework Core, cached repositories offer an effective method for optimizing data access patterns. They provide significant performance benefits but require careful implementation and management to avoid pitfalls.

Bonus part Q&A

An interesting question was asked about the MemoyCache, which I would like to include here:

Q: It is necessary to secure the cache separately with a lock to make the repository thread-safe?

A: Normally it is not necessary to explicitly secure access to ‘_cache’ with a SemaphoreSlim or other locking mechanism, as IMemoryCache is already thread-safe. 
The internal implementation of IMemoryCache ensures that read and write operations are correctly synchronized so that parallel accesses are safe.

Although IMemoryCache itself is thread-safe, there are certain scenarios in which additional protection, e.g. through a SemaphoreSlim, could be useful:

These would be, for example. 
Cache stampede, avoidance of duplicate database queries or consistent cache invalidation.

If such circumstances occur in your application, you should secure access to the _cache.
If it is a “normal” application, as we often use at Macrix, it is not absolutely necessary.

Benjamin Witt
Macrix Lead Developer

Ps. For more of Ben’s publications along with exercise files and demos, go here.