Think Tank
Insights into technology, trends, and the opportunities of digital transformation.
Transitive Dependency

Overview of Transitive Dependency

Imagine you are developing a .NET application that runs perfectly at first. Suddenly, unexpected runtime errors occur – even though…
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miniaturka implementing

Implementing the Cached Repository Pattern in C#

  Introduction to the concept A cached repository is a design pattern to enhance application performance by storing data in…
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Artificial Intelligence with ML.NET for text classifications

Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been gaining popularity at breakneck speed.  OpenAI’s ChatGPT was a breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence, and…
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IT infrastructure defense part 4 Macrix

IT infrastructure defense in depth part 4

Before getting to the last part of our series of cybersecurity I encourage You to discover previous one: part 1…
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the importance of QA in Software Development

The importance of QA in software development: Lessons from historical IT project failures part 2

  In the first part of article we share 4 case studies on how lack of quality assurance can lead…
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IT infrastructure defense part 3 Macrix

IT infrastructure defense in depth part 3

 In this previous two articles about IT infrastructure in depth: part 1 part 2 we talked about IT infrastructure security…
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Unsuccessful business case studies part 1_1

The importance of QA in software development: Lessons from 4 historical IT project failures

  Intro – what is article about and what not?  Are you working in a highly automated and technology-dependent industry?…
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miniatura Basics of Clean architecture with C#-2

Basics of Clean Architecture with C#

  Introduction to Clean Architecture   What is Clean Architecture?   Clean Architecture, proposed by Robert C. Martin or “Uncle…
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miniaturka kwadrat2

Emotional Intelligence: The Inner Work – Part 2

  Remember our journey into the realm of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in “Emotional Intelligence: Navigating Emotions – Part 1”?   We…
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miniaturka kwadrat2-1

Emotional Intelligence: Connecting with others – Part 3

  Welcome back to our discussion about Emotional Intelligence. What started as a single article idea has now expanded into…
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IT infrastructure Macrix-2 Jędrzej Boguszynski

IT infrastructure defense in depth part 2.

 In the previous article, we discussed IT infrastructure security in the outer layers of our security onion: policies, procedures and…
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Emotional Intelligence: Navigating Emotions – Part 1

  Daniel Goleman’s book, “Emotional Intelligence” boldly declares, “Success in life depends not only on intellect but on the ability…
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IT infrastructure Macrix

IT infrastructure defense in depth

  Defending your company IT infrastructure from external or internal threads has become more and more difficult due to the…
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Thread-safety article by Ben Witt Macrix Technology Group

Thread-safety – how to mytigate potential pitfalls in asynchronous programming

  In many cases, a combination of both synchronous and asynchronous approaches may be used within a single application to…
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Async void article by Ben Witt Macrix Technology Group

Pitfalls of async void

  The problem with using “async” and “void” in programming languages like C# is that it can lead to unexpected…
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Mastering Software Quality: The ISTQB Certification Advantage

As a certified ISTQB Silver Partner, Macrix is dedicated to the highest quality standards in software development and testing. In…
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Process Mining in an underground coal mine

At the 2023 Polish Process Mining Day conference, our Senior Data Scientist Agnieszka Żuber showcased the utility of process mining,…
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How to be a Leader?

How to be a good leader? What are the challenges of managing developer teams? And which values are especially important…
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Keeping your data safe

In today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to keep our private and business information secure. October is the International Cybersecurity…
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Get the most out of LINQ

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is a powerful tool that allows developers to harness the power of functional programming in C#. However,…
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Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0?

Production process are becoming increasingly connected, and thus more intelligent and flexible. Already today, all elements of the production process…
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A first look at .NET MAUI

Microsoft recently released its new, highly anticipated cross-platform application building tool .NET MAUI. Does the new tool have what it…
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